Welcome to Stepping Side By Side. County of Lambton funds our Early Years Professional Development, both in person and our virtual Professional Development. Please take a moment to answer these brief data seeking questions. This data gets shared with the County so that we can keep our level of funding.
Please answer the questions below. If you have any questions about your answers, please contact us at pprc@lambtoncollege.ca.
In this module, we invite you to reflect upon how you are upholding Treaty responsibilities. By definition, a land acknowledgement is a formal statement that recognizes the relationship between Indigenous peoples and their traditional territories.
This space allows us to remember that we must keep our land acknowledgement meaningful and that our commitment to reconciliation must be present in our every day practice.
This module speaks to a broader system of professional relationships that are foundational for Early Years and Child Care programs. Mentoring to support growth and learning among educators is essential to ensure high quality early childhood education.
This module focuses on environments, spaces and the importance of relations that support children in early childhood and care.
This module focuses on creating and sustaining quality through a culture of reflective practice.
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